Package game

This Package contains the different objects needed for the game. eg. Block Stones Tetris. More...


class  Block
 This class is a specification of a Block in the tetris game. More...
class  Color
 To represent a Color in float values. More...
class  Colors
 Some default colors. More...
interface  IBlock
 An Interface of a Block. More...
class  ABlock
 An abstract class of a block implementing most funktions. More...
class  emptyBlock
 An empty block. More...
interface  IStone
 The interface for the Stones. More...
class  AStone
 the abstract class for the Stones More...
class  Score
 This Class is responsible for all the stuff that ha something todo with score. More...
class  Stones
 The class to hold and get the varios Stones. More...
class  lStone_1
 A Stone. More...
class  lStone_2
 A Stone. More...
class  longStone
 A Stone. More...
class  tStone
 A Stone. More...
class  zStone_1
 A Stone. More...
class  zStone_2
 A Stone. More...
class  quadStone
 A Stone. More...
class  plusStone
 A Stone. More...
class  Tetris
 This class represents the game environment. More...

Detailed Description

This Package contains the different objects needed for the game. eg. Block Stones Tetris.

Generated on Mon Jul 28 19:03:04 2008 for SolidJavaTetris by  doxygen 1.5.5