Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
game.ABlockAn abstract class of a block implementing most funktions
engine.AboutWindowTo create an about window
game.AStoneAbstract class for the Stones
game.BlockThis class is a specification of a Block in the tetris game
game.ColorTo represent a Color in float values
game.ColorsSome default colors
engine.drawThis comletely static class holds the various methods to draw a Tetris or preview array
tetrisEvent.DroppEvent.DroppEventThe DroppEvent is allways called if a Stone reached the ground and a new one is created
tetrisEvent.DroppEvent.DroppListenerThe Interface for all Listeners that want to register to the drop event
game.emptyBlockAn empty block
game.IBlockAn Interface of a Block
game.IStoneThe interface for the Stones
engine.JavaRendererThis class is for synchronizing the actual render process with the time
game.longStoneA Stone
game.lStone_1A Stone
game.lStone_2A Stone
game.plusStoneA Stone
game.quadStoneA Stone
engine.RenderPreviewTo render the preview
engine.RenderPreview.DListenerUsed to listen to the drop events
game.ScoreThis Class is responsible for all the stuff that ha something todo with score
game.Score.DroppEventListenerThis Subclass is used to listen to the DroppEvent without trashing the initial class too much
game.Score.EntryA subclass that represents an entry in the HighScore table
game.Score.EntryComparatorTo keep the standards in comparing
game.Score.GameOverEventListenerThis Subclass is used to listen to the GameOverEvent without trashing the initial class too much
game.StonesThe class to hold and get the varios Stones
game.TetrisThis class represents the game environment
tetrisEvent.TetrisEventThe interface that all tetris events should implement
engine.timerThis class is doing all the stuff that has something to do with timing
engine.timer.GameOverEventListenerThe listener to listen to the game over event and to stopp the time if one occured
game.tStoneA Stone
engine.WindowThis class manages the rendering process
engine.Window.ActionEventListenerThe listener to listen to actionevents of the menue
game.zStone_1A Stone
game.zStone_2A Stone

Generated on Mon Jul 28 19:03:01 2008 for SolidJavaTetris by  doxygen 1.5.5