game.Tetris Class Reference

This class represents the game environment. More...

Collaboration diagram for game.Tetris:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Tetris (int width, int height)
 The constructor is creating an empty Teris Field.
IBlock[][] getBlockMatrix ()
void tickEvent ()
 Check for collision Move the Stone down check for enough space to continue the game and exit if not.
void keyEvent (int key, boolean state)
 listen to keys (Up, Left, Right, Down) and reset the movement, if there is no Stone
void moveStone ()
 This method actually moves the stone if any.
void dropStone ()
 Drop a stone if the down key is pressed.
String toString ()

Static Public Attributes

static boolean down
 whether the down key is presssed

Private Member Functions

void clearRow (int rowToDelete)
 Delete a row of the field.
boolean isRowFull (int row)
 test a row whether it is full
void clearRows ()
 remove all rows that are full
void resetKeys ()
 This method is to reset the keys after each collision.

Private Attributes

IBlock[][] field
 The playfield represented as Block Array.
Score score
 read the highscore and create a Score Object.
IStone fStone = null
 The Stone that drops down.
boolean left
 whether the left key is presssed
boolean right
 whether the up right is presssed
boolean turn
 whether the up key is presssed

Static Private Attributes

static final long serialVersionUID = 7746581299608426600L
 keep the standards

Detailed Description

This class represents the game environment.

It has som methods toremove al line to advance to the next step and to react to keys.

Team Solid Sun

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

game.Tetris.Tetris ( int  width,
int  height 

The constructor is creating an empty Teris Field.

width of the tetris
height of the tetris

References game.Tetris.field.

00080                                              {
00081                 // Initialise the score
00082                 score = new Score();
00083                 // Initialize the Field
00084                 field = new IBlock[height][width];
00085 //              TimerEvent.addTimerListener(new TetrisTimerEventListener());
00086                 for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
00087                         for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
00088                                 field[row][col] = new emptyBlock(row, col);
00089         }

Member Function Documentation

void game.Tetris.clearRow ( int  rowToDelete  )  [private]

Delete a row of the field.

rowToDelete The row that is to be deleted

References game.Tetris.field, and game.IBlock.isEmpty().

Referenced by game.Tetris.clearRows().

00097                                                {
00098                 for (int row = rowToDelete - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
00099                         for (int col = 0; col < field[row].length; col++) {
00100                                 IBlock b = field[row][col];
00101                                 if (b.isEmpty())
00102                                         field[row + 1][col] = new emptyBlock(row + 1, col);
00103                                 else {
00104                                         ((Block) b).move(1, 0);
00105                                         field[row + 1][col] = b;
00106                                         field[row][col] = new emptyBlock(row, col);
00107                                 }
00109                         }
00110                 }
00111         }

boolean game.Tetris.isRowFull ( int  row  )  [private]

test a row whether it is full

row the row that isto be tested
true if the row is Full
See also:


References game.Tetris.field.

Referenced by game.Tetris.clearRows().

00122                                            {
00123                 for (IBlock b : field[row])
00124                         if (b.isEmpty())
00125                                 return false;
00126                 return true;
00127         }

void game.Tetris.clearRows (  )  [private]

remove all rows that are full

See also:


References game.Tetris.clearRow(), game.Tetris.field, and game.Tetris.isRowFull().

00135                                  {
00136                 int rowCount = 0;
00137                 for (int row = 0; row < field.length; row++) {
00138                         if (isRowFull(row)) {
00139                                 clearRow(row);
00140                                 row--;
00141                                 rowCount++;
00142                         }
00143                 }
00144                 new DroppEvent(this, rowCount);
00145         }

IBlock [][] game.Tetris.getBlockMatrix (  ) 

field The field of the curent tetris

References game.Tetris.field.

Referenced by engine.draw.drawTetris().

00150                                            {
00151                 return field;
00152         }

void game.Tetris.tickEvent (  ) 

Check for collision Move the Stone down check for enough space to continue the game and exit if not.

References game.Tetris.field, game.Tetris.fStone, and game.IStone.moveDown().

00158                                 {
00159                 if (fStone == null) {
00160                         fStone = Stones.getStone(this.field, 0, (int) (field[0].length / 2));
00161                         this.clearRows();
00162                 }
00163                 if (!fStone.moveDown()) {
00164                         fStone = null;
00165                 }
00166                 if (!(this.field[0][(int) (field[0].length / 2)]).isEmpty()){
00167                         new GameOverEvent(this);
00168                 }
00169         }

void game.Tetris.keyEvent ( int  key,
boolean  state 

listen to keys (Up, Left, Right, Down) and reset the movement, if there is no Stone

key the keycode of the key pressed
state the state the matching key should be set to

References game.Tetris.down, and game.Tetris.fStone.

Referenced by engine.JavaRenderer.keyPressed(), and engine.JavaRenderer.keyReleased().

00180                                                      {
00181                 if (fStone == null)
00182                         return;
00184                 switch (key) {
00185                 case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
00186                         this.turn = state;
00187                         break;
00188                 case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
00189                         this.left = state;
00190                         break;
00191                 case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
00192                         down = state;
00193                         break;
00194                 case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
00195                         this.right = state;
00196                         break;
00197                 }
00198                 this.moveStone();
00199         }

void game.Tetris.moveStone (  ) 

This method actually moves the stone if any.

the direction is stored in the various vars of this class.

See also:




References game.Tetris.fStone, game.Tetris.left, game.IStone.moveLeft(), game.IStone.moveRight(), game.Tetris.right, game.IStone.rotate(), and game.Tetris.turn.

00210                                 {
00211                 if (fStone == null) {
00212                         this.resetKeys();
00213                         return;
00214                 }
00215                 if (this.left){
00216                         fStone.moveLeft();
00217                         this.left = false;
00218                 }
00219                 if (this.right){
00220                         fStone.moveRight();
00221                         this.right = false;
00222                 }
00223                 if (this.turn) {
00224                         fStone.rotate();
00225                         this.turn = false;
00226                 }
00227         }

void game.Tetris.dropStone (  ) 

Drop a stone if the down key is pressed.

References game.Tetris.down, game.Tetris.fStone, and game.IStone.moveDown().

00232                                {
00233                 if(fStone == null){
00234                         this.resetKeys();
00235                         return;
00236                 }
00237                 if (down)
00238                         fStone.moveDown();
00239         }

void game.Tetris.resetKeys (  )  [private]

This method is to reset the keys after each collision.

Somehow without this there are some strange movement artefacts.

See also:




References game.Tetris.down.

00250                                  {
00251                 down = false;
00252                 this.turn = false;
00253                 this.left = false;
00254                 this.right = false;
00255         }

String game.Tetris.toString (  ) 

References game.Tetris.field.

00262                                  {
00263                 String res = "";
00264                 for (IBlock[] row : field) {
00265                         for (IBlock block : row) {
00266                                 if (block.isEmpty())
00267                                         res += " ";
00268                                 else
00269                                         res += "+";
00270                         }
00271                         res += '\n';
00272                 }
00273                 return res;
00274         }

Member Data Documentation

final long game.Tetris.serialVersionUID = 7746581299608426600L [static, private]

keep the standards

IBlock [][] game.Tetris.field [private]

read the highscore and create a Score Object.

IStone game.Tetris.fStone = null [private]

boolean game.Tetris.left [private]

whether the left key is presssed

Referenced by game.Tetris.moveStone().

boolean game.Tetris.right [private]

whether the up right is presssed

Referenced by game.Tetris.moveStone().

boolean game.Tetris.turn [private]

whether the up key is presssed

Referenced by game.Tetris.moveStone().

boolean game.Tetris.down [static]

whether the down key is presssed

Referenced by game.Tetris.dropStone(), game.Tetris.keyEvent(), and game.Tetris.resetKeys().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Mon Jul 28 19:03:08 2008 for SolidJavaTetris by  doxygen 1.5.5